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Identity Intelligence for Effective Communication and Teamwork

Proposed Workshop

Issues at hand

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    Leaders and subordinates alike need to work and communicate together as a unified team for greater personal and organizational effectiveness.
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    Because the group attending will be from all ranks from the organization and represent different age and experience levels, the retreat must be applicable and add value to all parties involved.
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    Many participants have extensive skills and need NEW ideas and interaction to internalize and implement better communication and cooperation, and influence others to be at their best.
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    The Organization would like to see immediate results and implementation from the initiative and measure improvements in communication, cooperation and influence from the environment


Communication and teamwork are the basis for organizational culture. Understanding the psychology of group dynamics and the perceptions that affect cooperation and effective communication, influence the entire organization and its culture.

Based on the Arthur Carmazzi’s renowned Directive Communication methodology, associated case studies, and his Change Leadership book, “Lessons from the Monkey King”, this Interactive and fun retreat provides new platforms for getting clarity of what a Team Player should be, and the psychological internalization to become that person. Participants will nurture a greater sense of personal understanding of how each of them is affecting their teammates and the communication to change the work environment to achieve higher levels of motivation and group effectiveness.

This program provides a frame work by which to appreciate and make the most of the abilities and ingenuity of those who we work with. Participants will walk away with a closer group with more courage and insights to create a more passionate and fulfilled work environment.

Participants will start on a journey of Fun, Vision, and the Cultivation of a Greater Work Culture for an effective Implementation of cooperative work and more personal and organization achievement and success.

Program Objectives

Your Team Identity

Clartity comes from experence and action, not thought. The program objectives are met through an Experiential Process applying the psychology of self and group.

Using a hands-on, action style of training, and cutting edge DC training tools, participants will get real clarity of who they want to become as teammates and what kind of working environment they want to create to bring out the best of themselves and others.

A successful participant will be able to:

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    Feel like they are part of a team with a greater purpose.
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    Enhance group effectiveness with better communication and personal alignment.
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    Cultivate an environment to inspire and support the group.
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    Better understanding of how to create positive change in the environment by making small changes in their behavior that will show immediate results in teamwork and fulfillment.
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    Be inspired to take action on these small changes.

Why More Organizations Choose DC psychology based Training Programs

Directive Communication (DC) is a training and organizational development psychology developed by Arthur F Carmazzi that affects how people act and react in teams and how that affects individual performance. It is a foundational science for influencing team dynamics to cultivate high performance cooperative team cultures and bring out greater individual potential. The Directive Communication methodology incorporates the latest breakthroughs in motivational and genetic psychology, and applies them in improving personal peak performance through cultivating a superior team environment.

We Develop leaders and the personal responsibility that goes with leadership

Whether it’s in our hands on workshops, or Outdoor Bali Retreats, Train the Trainer Training, OnLine Learning facilities, or ½ day modular programs, each have an integrated leadership component that build the character required to build confidence, moderate ego, and maximize what it takes to get results, set an example and inspire the team.

Participants gain much more than a workshop experience or achieve higher levels of excellence in their respective jobs, they gain the ability to find their greater selves and influence their future to become a celebrated example to others.

DC certified Trainers are already Renowned Experts in their field, and enhance results with DC Psychology Applications

Each of our experts is just that, an expert. You will never get a generic trainer or facilitator. Each program leader has the experience and the relative practical knowhow and ability implement it for immediately visible results. DC is a trusted resource for Government officials, Senior Management of multinational organizations, teachers, trainers and students from entire the Asian region. No DC certified expert has less than 5 years practical experience, and all are published authorities in their field.

Each of our experts is familiar with the use and application of award winning DC training and development tools such as the Colored Brain Communication Inventory, Colored Brain Communication cards, Choudhury Mind Maze and more.

Customized Training Focused on Your Needs

Each DC psychology based program incorporate environmental factors that not only affect the individual, but the entire group. When you provide us with your group objectives, DC certified trainers are inherently more capable of making sure your group objective are met. Our practitioners are trained to influence your team dynamics to want to become more of what you want them to become.

Experiential, Activity-Based Training

Award winning proprietary tools are one of the reasons Directive Communication workshops have been noted as 42% more effective than traditional training. Each exercise is designed to not only add to a participant’s experiential knowledge and applied realization, but also to build on, and reinforce the previous learning and exercises. Participants are immersed in the entire learning system through games and the psychological strategies to make sure the learning is embedded in consciousness and long term memory.

Practical Applications of Activities through Debrief and Reflection Sessions

Every time we make a realization, we have the opportunity to engrain a new relative perception. But when we are guided how to immediately apply that realization to improve one facet of our lives and the lives of those around us, something changes inside us, and it doesn’t go back. DC games and excercises transform perception and nurture lasting change.

Our Programs Offer the region’s Best Value for Money.

DC programs have consistently outshone traditional training with our immediately visible and measurable results. And with our multiple platforms and e-follow up, DC has the means to sustain and grow those results long after the training is finished. We have been writen up in news papers, magazines and TV throughout the Asian region and the UAE for the outstanding results in our process.