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Better compatibility - between personal/officious relations
Is that possible too? Yes is the answer!!!...

Is it Directive communication...? Ah!! Yes, of course

Can you Decipher the brain? Yes, you all can!!! Cognitive brain for strategic thinking!!! Reptilian brain for low thinking!!!

What color brain are you? Brain has colors? Yes, they do!!! Colored brain model determines the genetic processing of our brain that affects perceptions, communication and interaction!!! It is not about porsonality, et all !!!

Are you one of the kinds,... Red - the linear processors, Green - the chaotic processors, Blue - the intuitive processors or the Purple - the relational processors.

No!! No!! None is the best or the worst. It is all about how the brain holders process day to day activities and take decisions... Compatibility, thus made easy.


      DIRECTIVE COMMUNICATION shows you the way ....................... To a better living, ..... Working,.......... Decision making and .......... Results in the same team.